I'm Just Crystal

How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

One Happy Soul!

With all the sadness going on in the world right now and the commemorative ceremonies, especially in Washington DC, of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks, I've been in need of real pick-me-up and boy did this weekend do that trick!

I spent the day (and night) taking care of a three-year old and a 10-month old. We had so much fun at the playground, indulging in creative play, singing, etc. What was not so much fun was awaking every half hour throughout the night to a baby screaming "BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKY" each time his pacifier fell out of his mouth. At 4:00 a.m. I remember thinking, If he can't say binky, why can't he just put it his mouth?... Although the night hours were somewhat challenging, there a moment of comic relief. In light of his brother wailing, Giovanni woke out of dead sleep to say, "You wock, Kwisto!" and went right back to sleep.

I had my final binky run at 6:00ish so I was a little nervous about being alert and awake for teacher orientation for the One World Baha'i School at 10:00 a.m. But orientation was positively fabulous!! Understanding the importance of providing children spiritual education, I was feeling a bit unqualified and unsure of myself. I shared my concern with a friend and her response was, "Crystal... They're four, chill out." But, I tried to impress upon her these children will presumably have been raised with Baha'i principles for four years; I haven't reached four months yet. This apprehension was only exacerbated by the fact that I have the largest classroom with 20 pre-registered children... and there are still two more weeks to register!

I was so inspired by the thought, loving-kindness and passion these people put into the spiritual education of children and I can't wait to learn from the teachers and children as well as contributed whatever talents I have. After orientation I thought, I don't know if any school I've attended was run with equal love, organization and resources. There are administrators, counselors, musicians, art specialist... so many people volunteering their time and talent for no other reason than their commitment to the importance of developing child-centered communities. I was able to meet a couple of my children today and if they are any indication of the rest of my students, this is going to be even more amazing and challenging (in a positive way) than I thought.

Even better, tonight I met Nuri, the two-week old son of my friends Kate and Bernard. Can I tell you that I held God's love in my arms tonight? Nuri is absolute and utter pefection -- just looking at his peace and contentment made my heart flutter and for a second, I got a glimpse of what building this world could be. Perfect.

I met Kate and Bernard in my Core Curriculum Training class and my friendship with them was instant and almost kismet! Since meeting Kate, she and I have become close and I'm so excited to share in this time of excitement and transition. Nuri is so blessed to be born into such a loving and gentle family. I can't wait to watch him learn and grow and to spoil him rotten!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when you write about working with children and even more excited to hear about your upcoming career move! You're freakishly awesome at so many things, but I think you're right on que. I have watched you with kids and that is definitely your calling. Good for you for being so wise as such a young age!

Love you Chica!

6:09 PM  

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